Laavanya :: Odissi Dancer Ayona Bhaduri



Laavanya ~
The Dancing Dolls of India :: III


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           O D I S S I  D A N C E R             
‘A Y O N A  B H A D U R I’
( From the Desk of Swapnil Saundarya e zine )

ओड़िसी नृ्त्य का स्वर्णिम गौरव :: अयोना भादुडी़ ( Ayona Bhaduri )

ड़िसी नृ्त्य ( Odissi Dance ), आठ शास्त्रीय नृ्त्यों में से एक है. ओड़िसी,  ओड़िशा प्रांत, भारत की एक शास्त्रीय नृ्त्य शैली है . इसका इतिहास 2000 वर्षों से भी पूर्व का है. अद्यतन काल में गुरु केलुचरण महापात्र ने इसका पुनर्विस्तार किया . ओड़िसी नृ्त्य  ( Odissi Dance ) का ब्रिटिश राज के दौरान दमन किया गया परंतु भारत के स्वतंत्र होते ही ओड़िसी ने अपना अस्तित्व पुन: स्थापित किया.

ओड़िसी नृ्त्य  ( Odissi Dance ) की मुख्य विशेषता इसका त्रिभंगी ( Tribhangi ) होना है और इसी कारणवश यह अन्य शास्त्रीय नृ्त्यों से भिन्न है. त्रिभंगी का अर्थ है : सिर (head)  , छाती (chest ) , व श्रोणीय ( Pelvis ) की स्वतंत्र गति , चाल व क्रिया व विभिन्न मुद्राओं द्वारा ओड़िसी नृ्त्य को प्रस्तुत करना .

ओड़िसी नृ्त्य ( Odissi Dance ) की विशिष्टता इसके विभिन्न भंग ( Bhanga ) हैं. उदाहरण के रुप में भंग ( bhanga) , अभंग  (abhanga) , अतिभंग  ( atibhanga ) , त्रिभंग  ( tribhanga ) . प्राचीन नृ्त्य होने के बावजूद ओड़िसी को बतौर शास्त्रीय नृ्त्य  मान्यता 1950 में , ओड़िसी नृ्त्य के विद्वानों व नृ्तकों एवं नृ्त्यांगनाओं के कठिन प्रयासों के बाद मिली.

पारंपरिक ओड़िसी रंगपटल ( Repertoire)  का यदि  वर्णन करें तो ओड़िसी नृ्त्य ( Odissi Dance)  के अंतर्गत सर्वप्रथम मंगलचरण ( Mangalacharana )  का प्रदर्शन किया जाता है जिसके द्वारा भगवान जगन्नाथ का आह्ववाहन किया जाता है . मंगलचरण के अंतर्गत भूमि प्रणाम ( bhumi pranam) व त्रिखंडी प्रणाम  ( trikhandi pranam ) भी शामिल हैं.

बटु नृ्त्य ( Battu Nritya ) या बटुक भैरव ( प्रचण्ड नृ्त्य ) जिसे भगवान शिव के आदर में प्रदर्शित किया जाता है . बटु नृ्त्य को ओड़िसी नृ्त्य का सर्वाधिक जटिल विषय माना जाता है. नृ्त्य का प्रारंभ मूर्तिवत भंगिमाओं ( poses )  की विभिन्न श्रृंखलाओं द्वारा किया जाता है जिसमें नृ्तक या नृ्त्यांगनाएं वीणा (lute)  , पखावज (drum) , करताल ( cymbals) या बाँसुरी  ( flute ) बजाते हुए भिन्न- भिन्न भंगिमाओं को चित्रित करते हैं.
 पल्लवी  ( Pallavi ) , ओड़िसी नृ्त्य का एक अंग है जिसके द्वारा किसी राग को नेत्र संचालन , मुद्राओं , जटिल पाद - विक्षेप द्वारा सुपरिष्कृ्त किया जाता है.

अभिनय (Abhinaya)  के अंतर्गत  किसी गीत या कविता को अभिनय द्वारा प्रदर्शित किया जाता है , जहाँ किसी कहानी को विभिन्न मुद्राओं ( हस्त मुद्राओं ) और भावों , नेत्र संचालन और शरीर संचालन द्वारा प्रदर्शित किया जाता है.

डांस ड्रामा ( Dance drama ), अभिनय से लंबा होता है और एक से अधिक नृ्तक या नृ्त्यांगनाओं द्वारा प्रदर्शित किया जाता है .डांस ड्रामा के अंतर्गत बाल्य लीला,  कृ्ष्ण -सुदामा, दुष्यंत- शकुंतला, यज्ञसेनी, मेघदूत आदि नाटक अत्यधिक प्रचलित हैं.

मोक्ष ( Moksha ) , ओड़िसी नृ्त्य का समाप्ति अंग है , जिसका अर्थ है आत्मिक विमुक्तीकरण ( Spiritual Liberation ). इसके अतिरिक्त ओड़िसी नृ्त्य में आलाप, आवर्तन, बानी, भाग, भजन, गोटी आदि जैसे शब्दों का साधारणतय: प्रयोग होता है.

ओड़िसी नृ्त्य के नृ्तक व नृ्त्यांगनाएं , तारकसी कला (Taarkasi ) से लैस आभूषणों को धारण करते हैं जो कि 500 वर्षों से भी अधिक प्राचीन व एक जटिल कला है . आभूषणों के अंतर्गत टीका, माथा पट्टी, झुमका, हार , बाजूबंद, कनकना, मुकुट आदि शामिल हैं. नृ्तक व नृ्त्यांगनाओं के हाथ - पाँव , लाल आलते से रंगे जाते हैं.
भारत की लोकप्रिय व निपुण ओड़िसी नृ्त्यांगनाओं में ' अयोना भादुड़ी ' ( Odissi Dancer Ayona Bhaduri ) किसी पहचान की मोहताज  नहीं . ओड़िसी नृ्त्य के क्षेत्र में अपनी बेमिसाल प्रतिभा का लोहा मनवा चुकी , अयोना भादुड़ी , ने शास्त्रीय नृ्त्य की विधिवत शिक्षा नृ्त्यग्राम , बेंगलुरु  ( Nrityagram, Bangalore )  से बिजैनी सतपथी ( Bijayini Satpathy ) और सुरुपा सेन  ( Surupa Sen ) जी के मार्गदर्शन में संपूर्ण की.

अयोना ( Odissi Dancer Ayona Bhaduri ) ने भरतनाटयम नृ्त्य की साढ़े सात वर्षों तक शिक्षा ग्रहण की और वास्तुकला ( Architecture ) एवं नृ्त्य ( Dance )  के बीच नृ्त्य को चुना और ओड़िसी नृ्त्य के क्षेत्र में अपनी अद्वितीय प्रतिभा व कड़े परिश्रम द्वारा अनेकों योगदान दिए. नृ्त्यग्राम में ओड़िसी नृ्त्य की विधिवत शिक्षा के साथ , अयोना ने अभिनय, योग , आधुनिक नृ्त्य , बैले तकनीक ( Ballet Technique ) , ची- गुंग ( Chi gung ) , थियेटर  ( Theatre ),  क्षति निवारण (  injury prevention ), टीचर्स ट्रेनिंग मेथड्स ( Teacher's training methods ) आदि महत्त्वपूर्ण विषयों की भी जानकारी प्राप्त करी.

नृ्त्य के विभिन्न पहलुओं  को गहराई से समझने हेतु ओड़िसी नृ्त्यांगना अयोना भादुडी़  ( Odissi Dancer Ayona Bhaduri ), कोलकाता की लोकप्रिय नृ्त्यकला विशेषज्ञ ( कॉरिआग्रफ़र ) शर्मिला बिसवास ( Kolkata-based leading choreographer Sharmila Biswas ) के साथ जुड़ीं और उनके इंस्टिट्यूट् ' ओड़िसी विश़न एंड मूवमेंट सेंटर ' ( Odissi Vision & Movement Centre ) में जुलाई 2008 से मई 2012 तक बतौर सीनियर रेपरटरी डांसर व एडमिनिस्ट्रेटिव ( Senior Repertory dancer and Administrator )  के रुप में कार्य किया . इन्हें मिनिस्ट्री आफ कलचर , भारत सरकार ( Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India ) द्वारा 2001- 2003 के दौरान ओड़िसी में सीनियर स्कॉलरशिप प्रदान की गई. इसके अतिरिक्त 2010 में इन्हें ओड़िसी नृ्त्य के क्षेत्र में इनकी अतुलनीय दक्षता , निपुणता व योग्यता के चलते नालंदा नृ्त्य निपुण अवार्ड ( Nalanda Nritya Nipuna Award ) व 2009 में ओड़िसी ज्योति पदवी ( Odissi Jyoti title ) से नवाज़ा गया.

ओड़िसी नृ्त्यांगना अयोना भादुडी़  ( Odissi Dancer Ayona Bhaduri ) के नृ्त्य में , पद संचालन, अभिनय , मुद्राएं व नेत्र संचालन का उचित सामंजस्य देखते ही बनता है . यह ओड़िसी नृ्त्य के क्षेत्र में इनकी विधिवत शिक्षा व अनुभव को स्वत: ही दर्शाता है व दर्शक गण  इनके सौंदरपरक नृ्त्य कला के सम्मोहन में बँधता चला जाता है. ओड़िसी नृ्त्य के प्रत्येक पक्ष पर कड़ी पकड़ रखने वाली अयोना की हर प्रस्तुति प्रभावशाली व भेदकारी बन पड़ती है.

ओड़िसी नृ्त्यांगना अयोना भादुडी़ ( Odissi Dancer Ayona Bhaduri ) का नाम इंडियन काउंसिल फॉर कलचरल रिलेशन , भारत सरकार { Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), Govt of India }और इंडिया वर्ल्ड कलचरल फ़ॉरम  {India World Cultural Forum (IWCF)} की सूची में शामिल है. इसके साथ ही अयोना , एक कुशल व प्रतिभासंपन्न ओड़िसी नृ्त्य प्रशिक्षक के रुप में नृ्त्यग्राम , बेंगलुरु  ( Nrityagram, Bangalore )   व ओ. वी. एम. सी ( Odissi Vision & Movement Centre ) , कोलकाता में अपनी सफल भागीदारी दे चुकी हैं. अयोना ने 2011 में SPICMACAY, कोटा  ( राजस्थान )  में नृ्त्य की वर्कशाप का आयोजन भी किया.

2014 में बिहार में SPICMACAY विरासत सिरीज़ के लिए नृ्त्यग्राम व ओ. वी. एम ( Odissi Vision & Movement Centre )  के विभिन्न डांस फेस्टिवल के लिए एक कुशल प्रबंधक के रुप में इनकी भूमिका अत्यंत सराहनीय है. इन्होंने अभी हाल ही में सेहर इंडिया ( Seher India ) द्वारा प्रस्तुत इंडियन क्लैसिकल डांसेस पर दो दिवसीय गोष्ठि ' प्रतिबिंब ' की संयोजिका के रुप में अपनी सक्रिय भागीदारी दर्ज कराई.

आत्मविश्वास, लालित्य से परिपूर्ण , भावाभिव्यक्ति में निपुण अयोना ( Odissi Dancer Ayona Bhaduri )  को ओड़िसी नृ्त्य का स्वर्णिम गौरव कहना अतिशयोक्ति न होगा . 2011 में भारतीय विद्या भवन में सूर्पनखा कथा जैसे जटिल विषय को ओड़िसी नृ्त्य द्वारा प्रदर्शित कर , अयोना भादुड़ी ने ढेरों दर्शकों के समक्ष अपने अभूतपूर्व कौशल का परिचय दिया. अयोना की नृ्त्य शैली देख यह कहना किसी भी प्रकार से अनुपयुक्त न होगा कि अयोना भादुड़ी ( Odissi Dancer Ayona Bhaduri ) ओड़िसी नृ्त्य की एक देदीप्यमान नृ्त्यांगना हैं. अयोना भादुडी़ , इस समय कोलकाता में बतौर स्वतंत्र कलाकार के रुप में सक्रिय हैं.

ओड़िसी नृ्त्यांगना अयोना भादुडी़  ( Odissi Dancer Ayona Bhaduri ) के विलक्षण व्यक्तित्व को व उनकी प्रतिभा को बयां करने में शब्द शायद कम पड़ जाएं . पता नहीं स्वप्निल सौंदर्य ई-ज़ीन के विशेष कॉलम के ज़रिये अयोना भादुडी़ को आप सभी पाठकों के कितना निकट ला पाया हूँ .  अयोना भादुडी़ के व्यक्तित्व व ओड़िसी  नृ्त्य  के क्षेत्र में उनके योगदान के बारे में लिखते हुए ऐसा महसूस हुआ कि अयोना भादुडी़ का नृ्त्य  के प्रति समर्पण अदभुत है . अपने में खो जाना ही तो , कभी किसी का हो जाना है " ...... ओड़िसी नृ्त्यांगना अयोना भादुडी़  ( Odissi Dancer Ayona Bhaduri ) ने नृ्त्य कला को अपने व्यक्तित्व में इस प्रकार समा लिया है और उसमें खो के वे नृ्त्य की एक बेहतरीन व प्रतिभावान पर्याय बन गई हैं. स्वप्निल सौंदर्य ई-ज़ीन टीम ( Swapnil Saundarya ezine Team ) की ओर से अयोना जी को ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं व आभार .

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- ऋषभ शुक्ला ( Rishabh Shukla )
( संस्थापक - संपादक { Founder-Editor } )


Recognized today as one of the finest young exponents of Odissi Dance, AYONA BHADURI is a graduate from Nrityagram, Bangalore where she trained under Bijayini Satpathy and Surupa Sen from 1998 to 2007, during which time she toured extensively with the internationally acclaimed Nrityagram Dance Ensemble both in India and abroad.

Having trained in Bharatanatyam for seven and a half years till 1998 and always more keen on academics, on having to choose between studying architecture and dance, Ayona would have promptly chosen the former had it not been for her parents who persuaded her to join Nrityagram.

At Nrityagram, apart from her training in Odissi, Ayona was also exposed to Abhinaya,Yoga, Pilates, Kalaripayattu, Modern Dance and Ballet techniques, Chi gung, Theatre, Voice & Gesture, injury prevention and Teacher's training methods by great masters such as Smt. Kalanidhi Narayan, Navtej Singh Johar, Dr. Kannan Pugazhendi, Wolfgang Hoffman and Theater der Klaenge (Germany), Tracy Strauss (New York). She also imbibed the nuances of Guru Pankaj Charan Das’ style of Odissi from Dr. Ratna Roy and Guru Debaprasad Das’ style from Sangeeta Dash.

She further enhanced her skills working with Kolkata-based leading choreographer Sharmila Biswas as Senior Repertory dancer and Administrator at her institution Odissi Vision & Movement Centre (OVM) from July 2008 till May 2012.

A recipient of Senior scholarship in Odissi (2001-2003) from the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India, Nalanda Nritya Nipuna Award 2010 and Odissi Jyoti title 2009, Ayona is also empanelled with Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), Govt of India and India World Cultural Forum (IWCF) and has performed solo all over the country receiving critical acclaim everywhere.

Apart from being an active performer, Ayona is also an accomplished teacher of Odissi dance, having taught for 3 years in Nrityagram’s outreach program in Bangalore city and also its village outreach program. Later, she joined the Faculty of Odissi Vision & Movement Centre, Kolkata where she taught full time for 4 years training both school children and aspiring professionals. Individually, she has also conducted Odissi dance workshops for SPICMACAY in Kota, Rajasthan in November, 2011 and more recently as part of SPICMACAY Virasat Series in Katihar, Bihar in February 2014.

One of the rare few amongst dancers to have a keen interest in dance administration, Ayona has a working experience of 4 years with Odissi Vision & Movement Centre, Kolkata as its Dance Administrator.

Her ground training in festival administration comes from working for Vasantahabba (annual night-long Spring Festival at Nrityagram, Bangalore) for 5 years while she was also training in Odissi there. Her training in institutional management comes from working in Nrityagram’s office looking after publicity material, managing accounts daily and while on tour, updating contacts, attending to all paperwork related to ensemble performances and so on.

All of these naturally led her to take on the role of Dance Administrator when, in 2008, she was invited by Sharmila Biswas to join her institution as a member of its core group.

While with OVM, Ayona has also been the festival administrator for two of its festivals – Poorva Dhara 2009 and Living with Odissi 2008.
Recently, she has also been the Coordinator of Pratibimb, a two day seminar on Indian Classical dances at Ananya Dance Festival 2013 presented by Seher India, a leading Arts organisation based in New Delhi.

For a year (2012-13), Ayona was fortunate to have also come under the guidance of Smt. Madhavi Mudgal, honing her abhinaya skills, learning choreographic approaches and enhancing her artistic aesthetics in dance music and movement.

Based in Kolkata now, Ayona works as an independent artist.

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Swapnil Saundarya Publications

Supreme Home Therapy :

'Supreme Home Therapy' - A quarterly online magazine that provides Interior Design solution for your residential and commercial spaces and encourages its readership to create a better ambience around them . Supreme Home Therapy includes regular columns on historical architecture, art , design formulae, antiques, green design, renovation Time, Interior Design Outlines, Vastu and Feng shui, Residential Spaces and 9 to 5 spaces.

Supreme Home Therapy  publishes four times a year, at three-month intervals . It is called Supreme Home Therapy because our goal behind this magazine is to cure physical, mental, or behavioral problems of our cleints by providing them a comfortable and stress free surroundings , sophisticated lifestyle , functionally improved and aesthetically enriched spaces. We believe that.... If we can't organise our living spaces then we can't organise our life . So, be a part of our Supreme Home Therapy and create a beautiful and healthy ambience of your own. Stay tuned with Supreme Home Therapy.

Supreme Home Therapy is available here :

Issuu :

Blogger : 

Website :

"Suffocation " ............

05 Suffocating stories that will bound you to re-think about the reality of Life ......
 ( In Hindi .............. )

Read ' Suffocation - The e- book only on :


Supreme Home Therapy : The Book

If you are someone who loves to inhabit around  a well organized and aesthetically appealing surroundings,‘Supreme Home Therapy’ is written just for you. So, be a part of  Supreme Home Therapy and create a beautiful and healthy ambience of your own.


Fashion Pandit

‘Fashion Pandit’ – A guide to fashionable lifestyle and jewels , written by Jewellery Designer and Couturier Swapnil Shukla and published by Swapnil Saundarya Publications.

Get exclusive info on Fashion, Jewels and Lifestyle and become a Fashion Pandit . Live beautifully , Stay Fashionable ……….


ACID  :: Dilute or Concentrated ?????

07 Different Stories ....... 
07 Different Endings ..........

Swapnil Saundarya Publications takes great pride to Present - ACID :: Dilute or Concentrated ????? , an e- book , containing 07 Different stories of  07 individuals who displays great strength and courage in the face of adversities.

Visit ::


Buying Guide and Help
Shopping at ' Swapnil Saundarya Label ' is simple and easy.You can simply place an order by sending us an e-mail with your details and the product code , you are interested for.Once you have placed your order with us , we follow a simple 3 step process:

Step 1 of 3: You will receive an email to inform you that we have received your order and details.

Step 2 of 3: Our Customer Care team will call you to confirm the same. Please make a note of this so that calls from unfamiliar numbers don't go unanswered. Once we have spoken with you and confirmed your order, you will receive a final confirmation email as well.

Step 3 of 3: If we haven't been able to get in touch with you for 7 days after you placed the
order, the order will be cancelled.


We only ship within India. We use a large network of couriers to deliver our products to you as soon as possible and we charge a nominal shipping charge of Rs. 150. We dispatch products from Monday to Friday. Once you place the order, we will dispatch it the next working day so , it will take 2 - 10 working days for the parcel to reach you based on your location and don't worry, all our product shipments are insured.


Depending on where you are located in India, you can pay for your ' Swapnil Saundarya Label ' purchases in Indian Rupees only. We have a number of payment methods. Choose the one that is most convenient for you. The options are:

Demand Draft / Cheque:
You can select ‘Demand Draft/Cheque’ as a mode of payment when you place an order with us. Your order will be processed once we receive the Cheque/Demand Draft and the amount is credited to us.
For more details , Call on +91-9455880159

Direct Wire Transfer :
Details will be emailed to you once you place the order choosing to pay by a direct wire transfer.

Cash on Delivery (COD) :
You can make the payment in cash to the delivery agent once the product reaches you.

Note : We accept cash on delivery for orders shipped to 42 cities in India.The cities are: Agra, Ahmedabad, Ajmer, Allahabad, Aurangabad, Bangalore, Baroda, Bhubaneshwar, Calicut, Chandigarh, Chennai, Cochin, Coimbatore, Delhi, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Goa, Gurgaon,Hyderabad, Jammu, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Kanpur, Kolhapur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Madurai, Mangalore, Mumbai, Mysore, Nagpur, Nasik, Pune, Surat, Trivandrum, Udaipur, Vijaywada, Vishakhapatnam, Manesar , Shimla , Dehradun , Noida.

* Terms & Conditions Apply

Returns & Refunds

At ' Swapnil Saundarya Label ' , all purchases are final. We will process refunds on goods that have been damaged as a result of transporting or handling. If any item has been damaged during transportation please contact us and we will process your case as expeditiously as possible. In the unlikely event that you receive a damaged product, please ensure the following:

- If the damage is evident at the time of delivery, make note of the damage on the courier’s copy of the airway bill and their delivery sheet, as well as on the copy that you retain.

- Please notify ' Swapnil Saundarya Label ' of the damage within five days of receipt of the goods, along with the details of the damage.

- Send ' Swapnil Saundarya Label ' images of the goods with close-ups of the damaged portion(s)

- This will help in processing claims in a timely manner.

Please note that as a service to our clients, we insure all the products against damage during transit. However, we do not insure the frames of paintings.

Swapnil Jewels & Arts

Nothing Less expectable,
Nothing more Imaginable.......
Just an Extraordinary piece of Art.

Swapnil Jewels and Arts is the sister firm of Swapnil Saundarya Label.
At Swapnil Jewels and Arts , we pride ourselves on creating beautiful and bespoke designer Jewellery , Traditional as well as Contemporary Jewellery , from India which is captivating and a true expression of your style. The intention and goal is to create exclusive jewellery and innovative designs at excellent prices .

Our mission is to present, promote and highlight Indian Traditional Jewellery forms and arts globally because glitter of ancient era's jewellery will never fade as well as to create beautiful and remarkable fashion jewellery that suits and enhance the lifestyle of our clients.

Products And Services :

- Handcrafted Jewellery
- Fashion Jewellery
- Kundan Jewelery
- Thewa Jewellery
- Minakari { Enamelled } Jewellery
- leather Cord Jewellery
- Design and Fashion Consultancy
- Astrology Consultancy
- Jewellery and Gems Journal /Articles

Portfolio :

Rishabh Interiors & Arts

Rishabh Interiors and Arts is the another sister firm of Swapnil Saundarya Label. At Rishabh Interiors and Arts , we work on the conceptualization, designing and manufacturing of fine accessories considering in mind the lifestyle , trends and demand of domestic and commercial spaces throughtout the country .

Our mission is to design such masterpieces which creats aesthetical enrichment , psychological enhancement in the spaces and functions well with the existing architecture or design of  client's living space . Our aim is basically to offer our clients such fine accessories which makes their world a masterpiece.

Products and Services :

-Interior Accessories
-Funiture Design
-Design and Art Consultation
-Vastu and Feng shui Consultation
-Interior Design Journal/ Articles

The e-Studio :

Rishabh Interiors & Arts : The e- Studio is set up to provide Interior Designers , art collectors, art lovers and companies that are looking for artwork , a visual database of work that can be browsed and researched to enable you to purchase or commission art work for your collection. Here, we enable you to fulfil your desire for beaux arts and beautiful paraphernalias.

Portfolio :

About the Partners

Swapnil Shukla

Swapnil Shukla is an Indian Jewellery Designer, Couturier ,Columnist and Artist . She specializes in trends Forecasting, Lifestyle, Fashion, Gemology , Art and Astrology. After graduating from South Delhi Polytechnic for Women , New Delhi ( First with Distinction ) , she studied export management and start working as freelance designer and undertook jewellery design projects.

She also worked as Design Columnist for many Nationalized Magazines and started the famous and highly traffic grabber fashion & Lifestyle blog 'Swapnil Saundarya' available in English as well as in Hindi . Swapnil has also authored two books namely  ‘Gehne – The Art of wearing Jewellery’and ‘Fashion Pandit’. She has launched her own Designer Jewellery brand namely 'Swapnil Jewels & Arts' and now with a desire to add new dimensions to the design and Art industry , she started ' Swapnil Saundarya Label ' with a motive to make everybody's life beautiful and just like their Dream World .

In the words of Swapnil , "All my designer products are very close to my heart because all of them are intricate yet striking, bold yet feminine. They truly represents the spirit of a  woman "

" My greatest satisfaction is a happy client ", she added.

Nature, Art, Various Cultures, Religion inspired Swapnil in designing.

Rishabh Shukla ( R S )

Rishabh Shukla is an Indian freelance Interior Designer, Artist and Design Entrepreneur.He specializes in Interior Design Journalism and beaux arts. Rishabh has worked in the design Industry since 2007 in the areas like Interior Design , Art & Colour Consultancy , Retail Design & Visual Merchandising , Art Appreciation, Product Designing, Writing & Design blogging .

Rishabh created a business for himself in this niche market as an Interior Design Writer and Principal Designer of Rishabh Interiors & Arts ( est. 2013 ) collaborating with his clients to create beautiful living places and working freelance as an Interior Design Writer and Painter is
a dream realized for Rishabh .He has held many Art Exhibitions throughout the country.

In the words of Rishabh, “Interior Design is an art & I keep it in that way......a living space is a reflection of one's inner story,easier told in colour & texture than words”.

" My Art work whether it is a Painting ,Sculpture or a Furniture has life and identity of its own ", he added.

Sell Now :

Selling through Swapnil Saundarya Label :
If you would like to consign artworks ( Painting, Sculpture , Jewellery . Interior Products etc.) to our online exhibitions , please send us the following informations and details :

a. Images of the piece ( s ).
b. Details of the piece ( s ) { for artworks : title, year, dimensions, signature etc., for Jewellery : stones, carat weight, etc. }.
c. Provenance { where and when you acquired the piece ( s ) } .
d. Authenticity Documentation .
e. Current condition of the piece( s ).
f. Location of the piece ( s ).

please e-mail these details to . After our team has received these informations , they will decide whether the piece ( s ) can be included in Swapnil Saundarya Label's Online Exhibitions and the final decision will be taken by the partners of Swapnil Saundarya Label and this final decision will be communicated to you . Please note that this process may take anywhere between 2-4 weeks depending on the piece ( s ).

Selection Process :

a. Decisions are made based on feedback from an advisory panel and at Swapnil Saundarya Label’s discretion.
b. All decisions are final, and no further queries will be entertained.
c. If the piece is chosen for inclusion in a Swapnil Saundarya Label's online exhibition, we will discuss with you the exact price estimate for the piece along with an upset price based on current market comparables.
d. Swapnil Saundarya Label will send you a physical or electronic copy of the terms and conditions for sale of the piece ( s ).
e. Upon agreement of these terms and conditions, Swapnil Saundarya Label will send a consignment agreement to sign and return.

We look forward to hearing from you !


To get in touch with us, please click on the link below and drop a message with your name and query and you will get the response as soon as possible

Find ' Swapnil Saundarya Label ' on :

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Twitter :

Issuu :

Be a part of us and make your life just like your Dream World .

Live beautifully ………

Stay tuned with Swapnil Saundarya Label.

copyright©2013- Present .Swapnil Saundarya Label .All rights reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retrieval system or transmitted , in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

Copyright infringement is never intended, if we published some of your work, and you feel we didn't credited properly, or you want us to remove it, please let us know and we'll do it immediately.
